Denver’s Flavored Tobacco Ban Won’t Take Effect Until 2026
Denver City Council approved the ban with an 11-1 vote
Denver Mayor Mike Johnston is expected to sign a ban on the sale of flavored tobacco, which the Denver City Council passed Monday night.
It would take effect 90 days after his signature and Denver’s Department of Public Health and Environment said it doesn’t plan to enforce the ban until January 2026.
Denver City Council approved the ban on the sale of flavored tobacco products with an 11-1 vote.
A similar ban was vetoed in 2021 by former Mayor Michael Hancock, but Johnston has expressed support for the measure.
Roughly 550 stores would be impacted by the change, with some arguing a ban could reduce their sales by 30% and put them out of business. Some business owners remain concerned that customers will buy products in neighboring cities.
A spokesperson for the city health department said it expects store owners to take the items off the shelves within 90 days of the bill’s signing, but won’t be ready to give out citations until Jan. 1, 2026.
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