Farm Bill Amendment Would Ban All Hemp-Derived THC, Close THCA ‘Loopole’

The Republican led amendment was filed by U.S. Rep. Mary Miller from Illinois
Will Congress protect the nationwide market for hemp-derived cannabinoids through the next U.S. Farm Bill, or will the state-regulated marijuana industry succeed in squashing an unwelcome competitor?
Under one proposed amendment, filed Wednesday ahead of a key hearing today, “all ingestible hemp products with any level of THC” would be federally banned, warned the U.S. Hemp Roundtable, a Washington, D.C.-based lobbying group.
The $1.5 trillion Farm Bill, already nearly nine months overdue, is scheduled for a markup hearing in the House Committee on Agriculture today.
Among the many points of contention in the sprawling bill, which Congress normally updates every five years, is what to do with the burgeoning domestic market in hemp-derived cannabinoids, estimated to be worth as much as $28 billion.
‘Closing the loophole’ on TCHA and delta-8 THC
An initial draft Farm Bill published last week by Pennsylvania Republican Rep. Glenn “GT” Thomas, the ag committee chairman, proposed to redefine “hemp” under federal law to include hemp grown for cannabinoid extraction.
On Wednesday, U.S. Rep. Mary Miller, an Illinois Republican, filed a proposed amendment to that text that would “exclude” products with detectable amounts of THC as well as any cannabinoid “synthesized or manufactured outside of the plant.”
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