How To Move Your Smoke Shop’s Back Stock
GVW breaks down some strategies on how to dress up your back stock
Who likes stale bread? No one, right?
How about, who likes french toast? Everyone and their mother, that’s who!
Now what if I were to tell you that… these are the exact same thing! Bwahh! Like, zoinks Scoob, have we been eating stale bread man!?!
Hold your horses there gang, this less than desirable rendition was just the humble origins of an ancient meal now enjoyed across the globe. Should you want the original stale bread version however, you can skip the time machine and go visit your local Denny’s.
But uh… what’s this have to do with my Smoke Shop you ask? Well what if we took your Shop’s equivalent of stale bread – your back stock – and through a couple tricks of the trade transform it into something brimming with value, just like a plate of french toast!
That’s why in this GV Wholesale Business Introspective we are going to break down some strategies on how to dress up your back stock and get it out the door in no time!
Inventory Your Back Stock
The first step is obvious, do a once over on your inventory and identify which items you are considering a part of your back stock. These will be items where you have a large amount of inventory but have not been seeing many sales over the past months to year.
Check how many you have of each back stocked item and make a record of it. Try using the notes app on your phone for easy access or take the time to create an online document using google sheets for precision calculations.
Your strategies on how to move the products will differ based on how many you have in stock, for example whether you have only a few left or a small army, will change your strategy on how to move them.
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