
Florida Hemp Companies Air Concerns Over Newly Proposed Safety Restrictions For Kids

The rule could limit how products are marketed

Florida hemp companies pushed back on a proposed rule from a state regulator on Tuesday that would ban hemp products from appearing attractive to children, amid growing concern over the use of slang language in marketing products.

The rules, which were proposed by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in September, would place new prohibitions on consumable hemp products, such as candies, sodas and vapes, from looking attractive to kids — including by limiting what the products could be called. Staffers from the Department of Agriculture’s Division of Food Safety held a meeting on Tuesday in Tallahassee to hear public comment about the latest draft, ultimately deciding to extend public comment by a week.

The handful of people from the hemp industry who attended the meeting raised the most concern over restrictions that would limit words and phrases that can be used to market products. The rule would prohibit the use of wording that uses street or slang words or names for marijuana, hemp, hemp extract or the intoxicating effects of marijuana, according to the latest draft. The proposed penalty for each violation of the rule is $5,000.

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